Thursday, August 25, 2005

Get glad in the same pants you got mad in

No, it’s not a song title or lyric, but it’s my mantra for this fair Thursday. I am grumpy this morning and I am not sure why. (It’s also something my grandmother used to say whenever someone got huffy, as in, “Oh, she can get glad in the same pants she got mad in.” Stay tuned, I have many more bits of grandmother-inspired wisdom.)

Maybe it’s because I spilled part of my large 69 cent Diet Cola on my white shirt and when I patted it down with water it became transparent and now I am the talk of the office.

Maybe it’s because Cynical and I went out for dinner last night and he got cheese toast with his meal and I didn’t.

Maybe it’s because afterward we went to the mall and I attempted to find pants and I am too darned chubby to fit anything cool and hip and I refuse to wear old woman pants.

Maybe it’s because I feel overwhelmed with my “to do” list and know there isn’t enough time “to do” everything on it.

Maybe it’s because when I went to the snack machine this morning and ogled a granola bar in anticipation, that the machine sucked in my money and gave me nothing in return.

Maybe it’s because I am having trouble adjusting to our new camera and all of the settings. Maybe that’s because I won’t stop to read the directions.

Maybe it’s because I need new clothes, but can’t justify buying them.

Maybe it’s because I am just generally bored. I am bored with housework. I am bored with my routine. I am even bored with the mail.

Maybe I just need a good piece of mail. I am sure that you understand the difference between good mail and bad mail, but just in case, let me explain. Bad mail is blah, boring, “resident”-addressed stuff and comes in the form of flyers, catalogs (except the Pottery Barn one, that’s GOOOOOD mail), bills, newsletters, and standard stuff. (The worst is when it’s addressed to someone that used to reside in your home.)

Good mail is just that, stuff you look forward to: photographs of my niece and nephew, a card from a friend, a free sample of the newest flavor of Tide, something I ordered and forgot, maybe a care package, or maybe just a note.

I appreciate good mail because I try to send good mail. I am a card fiend and send them for every occasion (much to dismay of anti-celebratory Cynical) I can’t help myself, nothing says it better than a card, right? (I think my name is on a plaque at Hallmark headquarters.) I love nothing better than to find a good card that fits the occasion or the recipient to a T and then tuck a photo or something fun inside. I live for this stuff, people. I love dropping in the mail and then waiting to get a reaction. It makes my day.

However, lately I have had a run of “no reactions”. For instance, in an effort to keep in touch with my siblings and their significant others, I have written several letters, sent a few cards and even tucked some “surprises” inside. Were they received? I dunno. Did they like the photos? I dunno. Disappointing to say the least.

Add that to my list of “maybes”.

Maybe it’s because no one responds to the “good mail” I send.

I am convinced that another Diet Coke and just one piece of “good mail” will make me glad again.

The photo above is of the same building being demolished near our home. I noticed yesterday that it's getting closer to disappearing. I liked the staircase to "nowhere". Lots of deep thoughts there.


emily said...

I never get good mail either. How come nobody appreciates mail anymore? And it freakin makes me nuts when I send people things and they don't acknowledge it. My sister is really bad for that.

Diet Coke can definately help solve these problems. I'm sure of it. Just try not to wear it again.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I don't even know if my god-daughter received her journal. Why? Because they didn't bother to send a note, call or even e-mail. Don't get me started! It's just not that hard to let someone know your package arrived and you are grateful.

I am the Queen of Thank You notes and was trained well at an early age.

I hate clothes shopping. I used to live for it. The weight is my fault, but the design is not. I give up and will have to keep wearing the same five pair of pants I recycle weekly.

I am so frustrated.

Good news: I heard "It's the End of the World As We Know It" on the way back from a good lunch with Queen of Cool. Good combo.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Tried that, still got no response. UGH. However, it's worth a shot.