Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Rambling (wo)man

The stuff daydreams are made of
I came across a set of photos on Flickr of some very unique and intriguing artwork. I discovered these treasures via Callalillie and wanted to share them with you. Just flipping through them lit up my imagination.

You can visit several examples here.

Picture book
I had been praying for "good mail" and yesterday I got my answer. My sister-in-law sent two photos of dear little Princess S. In one shot she was in a clothes basket, surrounded by what I hope is clean laundry. She is so grown up. I gotta hold that baby soon or it will be the death of me. I wanna see those sweet little baby feet.

To bore you further
In the event that you aren't already using thoughts of my camping trip to put you to sleep at night. I posted some additional photos here. Just in case.

I *heart* Marty
For those of you avid Rock Star: INXS fans, I am starting to believe whole-heartedly that Marty is the best fit for "our band. . . INXS." Last night he rocked! He was possessed as he sang "Everlong" and that original song, "Trees", is still playing in my head. I bow to you, Marty. Thanks for making the hour I spent watching the show well worth it. All power to you, Marty.

As for Mig. Mig, Mig, Mig, dear Mig, you were my pick for "our band. . . INXS", but last night it was as if I was watching a broadway musical. Not that musicals are bad, but this is a band. I adore "Hard to Handle", but you just didn't pull it off. You didn't rock. Better luck next week.

Jordis, well I still love ya and you were improved last night. Don't be so beat down, you are awesome, act like it.

Suzie, please, please go for a solo career and use that voice for something other than rock-n-roll.

JD, you are amazing to watch, but too much of an individual to lead a band.

And that's my take on it.


emily said...

I'm still singing "Trees" and so is The Man. I am so on board the Marty train. I even voted last night. Uh-huh, you read it right. I actually voted. For Marty. It's a whole new kind of crazy over here.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Welcome to Crazyville, where we are your neighbors. I thought Marty rocked.

Marty, Marty, he's our man. If he can't do it, nobody can!

I am with you, Jordis has something else ahead of her in the future. She will do well.