Wednesday, September 14, 2005

You and me, up in the trees

No matter what you may read elsewhere, it will certainly be me and Marty up in the trees and the forest will certainly provide US the answers.

That's my take on Rock Star: INXS from last night. I have said it before, and I will say it again, I *heart* Marty and his eyeliner.

"Trees" was enthralling when he rocked it a few weeks ago and it was engaging when he performed it acoustically this week.

We want Marty! We want Marty!

I suspect, however, that "our band. . . INXS" may be grooming JD a bit, focussing on his original song and his attitude in order to start building some press for him. JD did a great job and "Pretty Vegas" is a catchy tune and very, very INXSesque, but let's hope they will understand my sentiment clearly: We want Marty!

PS: I did think that Mig did a good job with "Paint It Black", but I think musical theater just might be his thing. Still, Mig, big applause for you.


emily said...

Oh no you didn't.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I couldn't resist and I must have Marty all to myself. Marty is mine. Marty is mine.