Monday, November 21, 2005

All the cool kids

have a boogie (booga bag) and I am so cool that I made my own: Boogie (Booga) Bag
Noro Kuryeon in Color 80
Pattern from: Black Sheep Bags
Completed: November 21, 2005


Nan said...

I absolutely love the colors in this! And it looks so soft. It's beautiful. If I had someone like Needlefingers around here to help me get started I'd be tempted to give it a go.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Thank you, Cate. It's not so soft since it's wool, but I too love the colors. It does matter having a good teacher. So nice to have someone knowledgeable and encouraging. She's the best.

Anonymous said...

I just started kniitting and I can't help but totally admire you for all your beautiful projects. I feel sort of shy commenting though since I just began my first scarf. I adore this bag! How do you keep everything from drooping in the middle though? Is there a bottom support?

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Kat, oh, I am all too new at knitting to judge anyone. Plus, according to my knitting guru, it's all about the process and learning, so don't be shy. Trust me! I am just excited to be doing it.

In all honesty, It's pretty stiff from the felting, but for the photo, I did put paper in it. I cheated a little. Just a little.