Of course you are curious. As promised, photos of my yarn haul:
What you see below is Bazic Wool in Carnation, Aqua Ice, Wintergreen and Brown, these will make cute Windy City Scarves (I am in love with this yarn.)Below is Noro Kureyon in Color 88 to be used for the Booga Bag I am currently working on.
This is the Wool Ease Thick and Quick in Spice that I plan to use to make a poncho. It's on the back burner now, giving way to the bag and scarves.
The yarn below will be used to make a gift scarf. It's Plymouth Yarn Encore Mega Spun. Don't you love the little orange slices?
This yarn will be transformed into an Umbilical Cord hat for my niece. It's Plymouth Yarn in Sunsette. She may be dating by the time I finish it.
The gray and black yarn will be a hat for my beloved. It's Lamb's Pride Worsted in Onyx and Charcoal. Can you say toasty?
Last, but certainly not least is the Plymouth Yarn Encore Color Spun Knitting Worsted Weight which will be a "ribbed for her pleasure" scarf for me!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Are you kureyon about my yarn purchases?
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Monday, November 14, 2005
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Looks like a fantastic haul! I've seen that very purple and orange yarn made up in a scarf and it's way cute. You have a lot more "yarn balls" than me. I've only got the courage to buy for one project at a time.
Oooooh, I just checked out your creations on your site. Very cool. I am green with envy.
Well, I have big ideas, but let's see how many become actual creations and make it out of the project phase.
I think you probably just have better sense than I do!
Thanks, Ragged. The better sense is debatable. If you saw my stash of crafty stuff, you would probably have me committed. Gotta love those Hobby Lobby half-off sales.
I'm digging on that Noro whozawhatzit stuff that you're making your bag with. I need to find me some of that...oh crap, there I go again.
It's addictive, it truly is. I caught myself wanting more of the Noro and I haven't even finished the bag yet. UGH. Restraint. Restraint.
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