Guess what I got at lunch? A ring from the plastic toy machine. Don't be jealous, it's pure acryllic and you know you want one! Cynical, the generous soul that he is, bought it for me. I think it means we are going together. Blush, blush.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Brothers and sisters join hands
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
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Gorgeous....Cynical has good taste.
I'm one of those strange women who doesn't like diamonds. . .This, however, I love!
I must agree. Cynical has excellent taste or maybe good luck as it was a random drop from a toy giving machine.
I have never been into jewelry (at least good jewelry), so this is just right.
You know what? That ring is fun and pretty. I thought it was something fancy! It photographs well. (or maybe i just think its cool because its blue and shiny) :)
All the cool people are wearing them.
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