Thursday, November 10, 2005

The final countdown

Did I tell you the big news? Did I let you in on my big secret?

I am stealing away from work tomorrow after a breakfast meeting, taking a full-fledged vacation day. Cynical and I are leaving out early to visit Needlefingers and Pilot. Along the way we are going to stop for some coffee (yes, I have Cynical hooked on Starbucks and it only took one visit. Now we can crave lattes together. The couple that consumes caffeine together stays together, that's my motto. And yes, we do plan our beverage intake. It's important to make sure there is no dehydration during travel. I was a Girl Scout afterall.) We are also going to do a little Christmas shopping. I haven't even started to think about it yet and I need to at least start coming up with some ideas.

And then we are off to pester our favorite couple. Geocaching, knitting and non-stop talking are in store. Plus, we are claiming (sorry Jennifer) that they furnished their guest room just for us. It may not be true, but we need all the encouragement we can get. Maybe they like us. Maybe they really like us.

I took lots of photos of my yarn yesterday. I even took it all outside to the potting bench for good lighting. I even downloaded the photos and put them on a CD so I could upload them. Alas, I left the CD on the desk. I promise to post soon.

Instead, I am posting a photo of our pansies. I so love that there is a flower out there that blooms through the winter months and gives us some color. Also, below is proof that I have been working on my boogie bag. (Yes, I know it is called a booga bag, but this name kinda makes me wanna dance.)


Anonymous said...

Well of course we really like you! ;)

Ramblin73 said...

I am glad you guys got to come and visit our stompin grounds. I am glad that this time we got to do some running around and seeing the sites. Pilot & Needles

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I didn't know the Boogie Bag is "hot ish", but now that I know, I gotta make more of them. ; )

Thanks soooo much for the writing pat on the back. I needed that.

Needlefingers & Pilot,
You guys are saints to put up with us. Thanks so much for having us, entertaining us and pretending that you like us. ; )