Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I got nothin'

I wanted desperately to post last night after I got home from a movie and dinner outing, but I got nothin'. I am pouting today. I am a little grumpy and I don't wanna spew all of that onto you, so I am just gonna list a few reasons I shouldn't be acting like my old grouchy neighbor from a few apartments ago:

1. I still have a stash of cherry flavored Tootsie Roll pops.

2. I managed to smuggle in my "Stitch and Bitch" book that holds inside its pages a hat that I may, just may, try to make for my beloved. (Purest knitters, please forgive me for picking up this book, but it has two projects I wanna attempt.)

3. I got new photographs of my niece in the mail and she's too cute for words. I gotta knit that baby a yellow hat.

4. I am gonna get new yarn this weekend. This should offset my frustration on a scarf that I am making for my brother. In my enthusiasm to make a thick scarf for him, I fear I made a bad yarn selection and it's curling up a bit. Any suggestions? Do I need to "block" it, whatever that means.

5. It's fall. It's autumn. It's autumnesque outside. Isn't that enough.

Wanna know the reasons I am grumpy? Trust me, you don't have that kinda time.

The photo above was shot in Kansas City near our hotel and Union Station. Just liked the green space amidst all of these buildings.


Anonymous said...

Are you knitting the scarf in stockinette (knitting a row, purling a row)? It has a natural tendency to roll. It doesn't have any thing to do with yarn choice. I can take a look at it Saturday.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I am doing a little stockinette stitch. Good, cause I so like this yarn!

Anonymous said...

That's the culprit! :)

Jennifer said...

I have Stitch and Bitch too, and I think its a fun book. I just finished the classily named "ribbed for her pleasure" scarf and I love it. It was tres easy!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

They have the cutest baby hat in the version I have. It's called the umbilical cord hat and I so wanna make it. I just have to learn how to increase, decrease and knit in the round. Whew. I am tired thinking about it.

So, how do you make it lay down all nice and pretty?

Caroline said...

Love that picture. I am from KC and know exactly where that picture was taken. LOVE, LOVE your blog. Keep writing.

Nan said...

This is my second time to try to comment. My server is apparently acting up and blogger had to knock some sense into it.

The book you mentioned sounds like a hoot, and the names of the projects are hilarious. I'm still chuckling.

Sorry you're having a bad day.