Thursday, November 03, 2005

I'm too sexy for. . .

this heart monitor strapped to my chest!

Ugh, double ugh. I gave into pressure applied by my mother, Cynical and the one friend I shared this fiasco with. I went to the doctor. . . not my doctor mind you, who is on a two week vacation, but one I was referred to.

Anyway, they drew blood. They tested blood. Blood is good. They did a CAT scan (yawn!) and I will get a reading tomorrow. (Dr. New Guy doesn't expect the CAT scan to show anything.) My overzealous doctor (who has deemed the episode, "The One with the Seizures", for you "Friends" fans), also sent me home with four probes stuck to my chest and a little purse tied around my neck carrying a monitor. Get this, I have to wear it for 24 hours. That means I gotta wear it to work! How awful. I am already developing ways to hide it. I suspect I will have to duct tape it to my belly or something. UGH. Triple Ugh. I really think it's just a precaution and to rule out any heart issues. Neither I or the doctor think it's any thing like that, but he's a thorough kinda guy. (Or at least that's what I surmized as I spilled my medical history to this complete stranger.)

Cynical, in all his sweetness, was convinced I was going to be on the floor again tonight, so he cut work short and called every 15 minutes just to see if I could reach the phone. It's tough being loved like that. (All smiles.)

All my life I have been healthy. This is a good thing, right? Right. Bad when you have to agree to medical attention. I am not a patient patient. I don't like unecessary tests. I don't like making a big deal out of something that is over and I don't like having blood taken.

I really think this is nothing. I really think this too shall pass. So, let's commence with letting it pass.

Needless to say, it's gonna take a lot of knitting to make me forget about this protrusion under my shirt.

Worried about Needlefingers and hoping her dizziness and ooginess has passed and she's up and running. Jenny from the Blog may avoid us for fear this is catching.


Anonymous said...

Pilot says you need to knit a heart monitor cozy. :) We do hope that everything turns out to be negative as you suspect, so then whatever the bill is, you can say "You know how much yarn I could have bought with that?!"

I am actually feeling better. Ginger root cures all evils, and dizziness, too.

Yeah, Jennifer will show up wearing a hazmat mask. I can see it now.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Any ideas on what ails you?

I thought about a heart monitor cozy, but I wasn't willing to use my pretty yarn on something I had to turn in tomorrow.

Poor Jennifer. She may wish she could get an immunization after being with us.

Nan said...

I'm glad you're getting checked out.

I'm sending you a get-well link for knitters concerned with how their insides are working.
Go to

Ragged Around the Edges said...

That is probably the funniest greeting I have ever received. That is hilarious! Thank you. Made me and my heart monitor giggle. Wonder if it made a blip!

Thank you.

PS: So honored to be considered a "knitter", I am certainly in good company.

My word verification was xstsc, can we all say "ecstacy"? Strange