Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Rain, rain go away. . . don't come again another day

I am supposed to be posting my entry for Blog5, but I just am not inspired on the topic, so watch for it later. Visit Cate's blog, her entry for yesterday's challenge is amazing and I sit here green with envy, not the Incredible Hulk shade, but more of an olive.

I think that I am not inspired in part because I am too busy watching the weather. If you have watched any of the news, you have seen that a horrible storm front is hitting the Ohio Valley. The local weather guy did everything but tell us that a tornado is gonna hit somewhere in the tri-state area. Gee, thanks, now we all get to wonder where.

I think I have mentioned before that most things don't scare me, with the exception of storms. A tornado hit our community in 2000, striking about a block from my house. I was safe and sound, but I saw the devastation, so now I take my high winds, warnings and sirens pretty seriously.

We drove through Newburgh, Indiana over the weekend, to see entire homes ripped apart. Over 25 people died in that tornado that moved across the ground for miles and miles. I was further reminded of the devastation that Mother Nature can launch.

I also don't stand a chance of avoiding the hype today because working for a company that is directly affected by the weather and that means we are on high alert, anticipating and preparing for the worst. It's exciting with all of the adrenalin pumping, but it scares me too.

I don't think I'd fare as well as Dorothy and Toto and I really don't want to be following any yellow brick roads or meeting up with any flying monkeys. (Those things scare me more than storms.)

So, for now, I will keep my purse near, my ears open for sirens and my mind in continual prayer. Send good thoughts our way that the storms fizzle out.


Anonymous said...

I hope the weatherman is wrong, or it just passes by without getting near you! Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Thank you. Getting a little nervous as they have declared the system a PDS. To me that means pretty damn scary. It really stands for Potentially Dangerous Storm.

Caroline said...

Tornados are the one thing I hate about living in the midwest. We had a front move last night and there were thunderstorms. My partner said not to worry...I said, "have you not been watching the news...Tornados can happen in November." Hope you are alright.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Tornadoes can happen ANY TIME. Ours hit January 1. Can you imagine?

Nan said...

I've been watching the weather too, and praying the bad stuff won't get near wherever you are. We're supposed to get some rough stuff this evening, high winds and the like. It's 77degrees out there right now. Eerily strange for this time of year. My daughter has class this afternoon in Richmond and will be on the road for quite awhile so I'm a little concerned about her. I love the way you changed the weather acronym PDS. Yours is much more the way I feel during these alerts.