Monday, November 14, 2005

The Weekend Update. . . not featuring Tina Fey

No fair. The weekend should never have to end, especially if you are spending it with good company!

As you read previously, but to catch up those of you that aren't as riveted to following my life (even I am not, so no shame here), we took an extended weekend and visited Needlefingers and Pilot in Illinois. We began our weekend on Friday morning with a little trip to Evansville on our way there. After a few stops for knitting supplies, some clothes shopping, a nice relaxing lunch and a stop at Tenbucks (as Stevieb calls Starbucks), we made our way north.

Our evening began with a visit to a beautiful inn/lodge for dinner. All sparking with Christmas lights and a relaxing atmosphere, it was the perfect place for us to catch up with Needlefingers, Pilot, his brother and sister-in-law.

Our next stop was to my now favorite place on the face of the earth. . . Ophelia's Cup, where we drank far too much caffeine, visited and had good conversation. This place is amazing. Not only is the coffee superb, but it's just so much fun to see, to read and to enjoy. Verra, verra cool. We took the good conversation home with us and played cards.
After nabbing some sleep, we headed out for the Needlefingers' local yarn store, where I got yet more yarn for the Christmas scarves. We made our way to the Hallmark Open House. (I know what you are thinking: she was in heaven. What with yarn and cards. How could it get any better?) Well, throw in some Chinese food, a great tour around Vincennes and geocaching and you have a perfect day.
More great conversation, knitting therapy and instruction and cards ensued. Oh, and extra cheesy pizza. Can life get any better than this? I think not. We stayed up much too late (3:15 a.m.) and I fear that I spilled my guts to my new found friends. Expect them to be scarce in the next few weeks, recuperating from the crazy woman that visited their house. Needless to say, Sunday was a slow moving prospect. We finally got ourselves together to free our hosts from our wrath. I am certain that they call us Mooch 1 and Mooch 2. We mooch their talents, advice, good vibes, goodie bags, their bottled Diet Cokes, printers, Star Wars toys and so much more. You don't want us to visit your house, goodness knows what we will take home with us. (Thanks guys!)

We made our way home, me knitting and Cynical driving. Hurried preparation from the week made time for more knitting, television watching and sleeping.

Now, back to the real world. A world without freedom to speak my mind. A world that won't let me knit to my heart's content. A world without someone making you cinnamon rolls each morning.

The first photo is from Ophelia's Cafe, an incredible place. I want to live there. The second is just a shot of yarn, you didn't expect me to go to the yarn shop and not take a photo, did you? The remainder are in Vincennes, an incredibly quant and historic town. I was amazed at the architecture of the memorial, bridge and college.


Jennifer said...

"...the crazy woman that visited their house."

hey, thats usually *my* title! :)

sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I cant wait to see your finished 'boogie' bag pictures and pictures of the keyhole scarves!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Trust me, I am sure they have enough room for several crazy women!

I will post photos soon. I am not happy with the knot at the end of my scarf. I am afraid to take it out though. I dunno.

I love the bag thus far. Hope to wrap it up.

How was your weekend?

Jennifer said...

my weekend wasn't as lovely as yours. it involved some visiting, some homework, and a whole lot of Veronica Mars. A friend loaned me the first season DVDs. I'm hooked.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I haven't seen Veronica Mars, must I check it out?

Ramblin73 said...

Glad you enjoyed your visited and you were our guests and not mooches. You are welcome back at anytime. Pilot & Needles

musicgeek said...

Ophelia's Cup is one of my favorite places to go when we're home for a visit. The Tiger Spice chai is wicked good.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I think I want to live in Ophelia's? I could nap on that big couch!