Monday, January 02, 2006

It's all over now

Well, today is the last day. The last day I can wear my glasses all day. The last day I let my hair airdry. The last day I can sleep late. The last day I can wear a t-shirt that says, "Life is good."

Soon I will rejoin the real world, a world of people that work five days a week, brush their teeth before 10 a.m. and put on make-up.

It's not so bad. It really isn't. This was a much-needed vacation, but it's time to go back to the darkside. It's time to use my work voice on the telephone. It's time to leave the house before 8 a.m. and resume the fountain coke obsession. It's time for a schedule. It's time for some routine.

It's ok, don't cry for me. It's not so bad. It's not so bad. (That's what I keep telling myself.)

I woke this morning with the sun shining in my window. Who would have thought: sunshine and 68 degrees on January 2 in Kentucky! I chose to see it as an omen and went to work. I had finished my assigned home improvement projects before going to bed last night, so I slept soundly thanks to paint fumes and exhaustion.

But my work was not done, I had a game plan for today as well. I cleaned the place from top to bottom in an attempt to get us off to a good start for the work week. I even mopped. I know, it's incredible! So, the laundry is still rinsing, the dryer still running and Cynical napping and I feel a real sense of accomplishment.

The first part of my vacation I spent socializing, shopping and drinking coffee. The second week I relaxed, slept, blogged and watched a LOT of television. And, the past two days I kicked into gear and knocked everything of my wishful list of "to do's."

So, I greet the work week with anticipation, hoping this break has rejuvenated me not only as an employee, but as a friend, partner, relative and overall person. Wish me luck. I am off to a good start, my floors are clean afterall.

Just a shot of our new light fixture which replaced an unlit ceiling fan. Bad thing is that now we can see other improvements the room needs.


Nan said...

It sounds like an authentic vacation... as opposed to the generic China rip-off variety.

Time truly does pass too quickly, but on the plus side, we had an extra second added to the year last year! I wish someone had told me earlier. I would have made plans.

Joy said...

I've spent two entire days without leaving my house. Yet, I'm not nearly as optimistic about the upcoming week. At least it's a short one!

Jennifer said...

I had to laugh when I read the first paragraph. I've spent the last 2 weeks wearing my glasses and letting my hair air dry too! Hope your first day back is relatively pain-free. :)

musicgeek said...

Clean floors! What's that like?

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Nothing wrong with glasses and damp hair. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

I have no idea what clean floors are like, ours are already trampled and in need of sweeping. Alas, it all begins again.