In an effort to keep this a family kinda page and curb the language which would normally leave my mouth in these type of situations, I have opted to take my exclamations School House Rock's "Interjections!". (I am not a cussing kinda girl, but household repairs and associated tasks can nearly drive me to it. And once you read this, you will see that there are all sorts of puns I could be making.)
I am sitting patiently right now with my trusty cell phone nearby in anticipation of a call from the plumber announcing that he will be able to meet me at Chez Ragged to discuss our sewer and water issues. Yes, I know that you thought all of the "issues" around our house were related to my obsessive-compulsive tendencies, but once in a great while, they aren't my fault.
Our plumbing is gurgling. It's true, it gurgles. And sometimes it's smelly. So last night in the midst of Valentine festivities, we realized that it was time to seek professional assistance. Then the sick feeling began: you know the nausea brought about by knowing your life and your plumbing are beyond your control and you are completely and absolutely dependent upon the kindness of the stranger that will soon ring your cell phone.
So now I wait, certain that it will take every dime to my name to get it fixed, certain that the repair guy will speak in terms foreign to me like "backflow", "gravity feed" and "lots of cashola."
It's chicken karma coming back to get me. I know I shouldn't have eaten that meat. I knew it.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
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This happened to us last year and for the same price of us "Doing it ourselves". The root cleaning out guy could have done this for us.
Rudy went to the store Lowes? I think and purchased a superpowerful root eater which we put in the potty every 6 months. Hope you get your crapper cleaned out soon :) !!
The High powered root killer that I spent a million dollars for is actually 99% copper sulfate. You can get it at any Farm Supply Store. They use it to kill algea in ponds. How ever if a bush has gone deep enought to get in the sewer line the bush will be no more in a few weeks. Just flush it down and let it set in the pipe overnight without flushing the toilet and that will do the trick if the problem is hair roots. Email or call if you need more info.
You might need your septic line pumped. They're charging $125 around here for that.
But if you have septic odor coming out, you may have a drain that you haven't been using causing the problem. There are sites on the internet that tell how to solve various problems. I wish I could be more help but don't know anymore than what I've told you so far, and that's just from problems my son's had at his house.
Good news! It was just a big bowel movement provided by yours truly.
Well, $117 later, we had our line rooted out and they hoped that solved the problem. K_dense73 (aka Cynical) is teasing me because the plumber actually asked me if my "husband" had recently had a large bowel movement and I nearly passed out. I am such a prude and such things embarrass me. I just replied, "Uh, we didn't discuss anything like that."
Cate, I think the culprit was tree roots and unfortunately, given the type of line, this may have been our only option. Not a good option, but the only one.
What kind of psychotic plummer did you hire? You should've told him, "No, I make him go out in the yard to do that."
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