Sunday, February 12, 2006

I gotta get out more

create your own personalized map of the USA

26 outta 50 ain't bad, but I gotta lotta traveling left to do.


Brando said...

I thought that song was "2 outta 3
ain't bad", but hey I can get use to 26 outta 50. Secretly I am jealous. I do not have that many state but I do have Canada, Netherlands, Poland, and Ukraine to help add to my small count!

Nan said...

I copied the map on my blog but it came out so big it threw all my info to the bottom. Did you do something to make it smaller?

madretz said...

Found this on Cate's site so I had to come to yours and check it out, too! 26 is great! I need to hit those southern states. I've been to Kentucky, but aside from Florida, nothing south of Ky. Thanks for the link. :)

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I gotta get out west more. So many places to go, things to see, people to meet.

Cate, I had the same issue, but I grabbed the corner of the graphic in the edit mode and made it smaller there. maybe taht will help.

Madretz, nothin' beats the south.

Nicole, but have you ever been to the KY?

Brando, you got me beat. I fear Canada is my only "foreign" country claim.