Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's my cup of tea

I have been stalking the little pink teapot shown above for months. I have visited it regularly at the bookstore's coffee shop, picking it up to admire the pretty pink color, contemplating the tea I would expertly brew in it and how tasty that very tea would be.

However, I just couldn't justify it. I just couldn't convince myself that this was indeed a necessity. We have a perfectly good teapot at home and all I needed was a new mesh tea strainer and I'd be set.

Then, the perfect excuse for the purchase of this fair teapot presented itself. Jenny from the Blog announced that she was sending me loose tea. I headed immediately to retrieve my treasure. And now she has a warm, safe home.

Last night I brewed some Night Night tea. Sweet little teapot, you were well worth the wait.


FarmWife said...

She's a beaut! What did you name her? You know, I've never gone the "loose tea" rout. Need to try that out. I have a perfectly lovely mesh strainer!

musicgeek said...

There's always room for another teapot, especially a pretty pink one

Jennifer said...

I *thought* that tea looked like Night Night. :) Did you like it?

That teapot is freakin' precious. How big is it? She looks dainty in the picture...

Ragged Around the Edges said...

It was sooo yummy! Thank you. Thank you.

It's not very big, large enough for maybe two cups, so little and precious!

Rudy said...

Pretty Pink Pot.

phinner said...

To go w/ your next spot of tea...


1 pk g(3 oz) cream cheese
1 c heavy or whipping cream
1 tsp powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla

Blend all ingredients in a blender or food processor until thick.
Serve with preserves on warm scones. Keep refrigerated.


2 cups flour
? cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoons salt
1 1/3 cup unsalted butter, chilled
? cup cream
1 large egg
1 ? teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 450°. In a large bowl, stir flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut butter into 1/2" squares and distribute over flour mixture. Cut into flour with pastry blender, until coarse crumbs form. In a small bowl, add cream, egg and vanilla. Add to flour mixture and stir. Add currents now if you wish.

Lightly flour hands and pat dough into 1/2" thick circle on lightly floured surface. Using 2 1/2" round cookie/biscuit cutter, cut out circles. Bake 13 – 15 minutes (10 minutes and check) until lightly brown. Cool on rack. Store in airtight container.

Ragged Around the Edges said...