Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Oughta thank your mother for a butt like that

I have talked myself off the ledge. I shouldn't take all of the credit. Most of the kudos for this recovery go to my dear friend who was able via e-mail to nudge me off the ledge to a safe distance, all on her own. . . without a SWAT team. However, if she doesn't watch me carefully, I may dart to the edge again. I am sneaky that way.

I am going to Orlando with a smile, freshly colored hair, newly pedicured toes and sporting new earrings. It's the best I can do. I don't think I can be tan and thin in seven days, so I will go pasty white and chubby, but well groomed and decorated. I made a Target run at lunch for hip and happenin' earrings which are sure to spruce up my wardrobe and make me look thin all at the same time.

I am still frustrated however, that at 36 I must choose between belly baring shirts and old maid cardigans. Isn't there anything in between?

Please note the title reference is a pun of sorts, meaning I am never going to thank my mother for a butt like this.


Brando said...

Ragged since I Cannot tan. You could always do the spray on tan. I had a friend that did this for a weding and she looked great.

However, Ross on Friends could not get the count done right and ended up with an UNeven spray.

phinner said...

how about a belly-baring cardigan?

: .D

I hear ya grilfiend!!! but really now, who wants to look like britney spears with that kevin federline appendage attached to you?! not I!

I'm sure you look marvelous!!!

Nan said...

My daughter does the spray tan. She bought it on e-bay and it works great! Looks real!

In the summer I'm a tan-in-a-tube person, sometimes I'm an ORANGE tan-in-a-tube person, but anything's better than the white-as-death look I sport without it.

FarmWife said...

If tans are bad for your skin, shouldn't pasty white be in vouge? I say embrace it, the English do!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I say pasty white is healthy and beautiful. Something tells me that everyone else around me has a different idea of a "healthy" tan.

I am using the Jergen's stuff and it's kinda good, kinda orange. I may just give it up all together.

Joy said...

I did the Mystic Tan for a wedding once and I really really liked it. It was the tannest I had been in a long time and it was very natural. Most of the time I don't care that I'm whiter than white, but sometimes, it's nice to have a little bit of color. I just find the bottle tanners to be annoying to wait for and do. I do like the gradual tanners though...a bit more subtle. And if you wait a day or two after you start to think you're orange, it will get a little better...just FYI.