Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Shine a little light

I feel the need to tell you that compact fluourescent light bulbs use 75 percent less electricity and last 10 times longer than standard bulbs. Just in case you were on the fence about buying one, hopefully this made you leap over to the energy-saving side.

Now that you've reduced your consumption of coal-fired electricity, why not consider recycling. . . Just a thought.


madretz said...

Great thought!

They're more expensive than a regular light blub but they save a lot more in electricity over the life of the bulb.

At least put one in your most used light fixture.

Nan said...

Good idea! I've got three bins under my kitchen sink. One for trash, one for pop cans and one for anything else recyclable.

I didn't always do this and I feel very guilty about it. Now I'm actually thinking about getting a composter, too.

phinner said...

Can you believe that they don't do recycling at my apt complex?! Makes me frustrated, but MadRetz is great and lets me bring my stuff to her house for curbside recycle. My other girlfriend collects plastic bottles to give to her housekeeper for recycling and it helps to supplement her income, so that's where all my plastic goes.

Thanks for tip regarding the light bulbs!