Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday musings

It's Monday. Monday means ironing. Monday means getting up early. Monday means phone calls. Monday means e-mail. Monday means driving across town. Monday means work.

In the reality of all of this, I have found a few musings that are breaking up the day for me.

-For instance, if you wanna see the coolest pre-wedding celebration ever, visit Callalillie's site. Enough said, you gotta see it to be part of it.

-I found a sweater that I desperately want to attempt. I am just pondering now whether or not I am up for the challenge and when to order it.

-Today is the birthday of a friend that I have known since fourth grade. We were the bestest of buddies until she moved away. However, she returned to town several years ago and we have reconnected. So, Happy Birthday Mrs. C. I forgive you for getting me paddled in the hallway and I will never talk in the library again.

-The peace lilly in my office is promising three blooms. Yes, it's still alive, taunting the sad looking fern in the corner.

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