Last night I went to see "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" and now I am wondering if I should reconsider Yin's most recent fashion statement: the eye patch. It says, "Don't mess with me, I am willing to give up body parts for what I believe in" or "I am clumsy, so you'd better watch out."
In my reconsideration of the eye patch, I started wondering if perhaps I have missed the boat on a few other fashion trends. (Hee, heee, "boat", another pirate reference.)
For instance, I completely dismissed gouchos. I never considered them because they would, as Cynical explains, "Accentuate my lack of height." Maybe they'd be a fine accompaniment to my eye patch.
When I walked through Target and spied what I call Aladdin shoes, I simply kept walking. Maybe I should have given those little silk, beaded flats a shot. I know they looked uncomfortable and I know they didn't match anything I owned, but darnit, fashion is sometimes built on sacrifice.
In the 80s I had enough big plastic earrings to build a storm shelter. When I noticed their revival, I didn't throw any of my expendable income their way, shrugging them off as a fad. Now, I am thinking, maybe they were "sassy" and hip.
I was intrigued by those cute peasant skirts and blouses, but kept thinking to myself, "Those look like a lot of ironing to me and that defeats the purpose of having a 'peasant' blouse or skirt. Peasants don't iron." I passed them up too.
I was drawn to the shininess of beaded tanks, but realized that they wouldn't be very flattering for "the girls", so I never got one. Now I am thinking that I had a chance at "pizzaz", but missed it altogether.
And there are those long shorts. I wore them in the 80s with my sporty polos, but could't bring myself to buy a pair. They would have the same effect, according to Cynical, as the gouchos.
So, that leaves me with khakis and boring shirts. Maybe I should have gone out on a limb. Maybe I should have ventured from my standard attire. Maybe during lunch I should shop for an eye patch and get the ball rolling.
Shot Saturday at the cafe where we ate lunch.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I am reconsidering the eye patch
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Filed neatly away: lamenting
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Ahh, a trip down memory lane of the 80's. There are some clothing choices I don't want to remember or repeate. Like pumps with those fold down, lace trimmed socks...ZZ Top, She's Got Legs...urgh! Mini skirts that graze the bottom of your butt cheeks, or the hair. Ooooh, we could continue to destroy the ozone, but I have to say those Duran Duran boys sure looked cute with their up-dos!
I dare you to get an eye patch, tho'!!! : .)
How about leg warmers, lace everywhere and those rubber band bracelets?
Those leg warmer would do no good on me peg leg me matie. Shiver me timbers and all that jazz.
Well, I think you should wear on different, unmatched, out of chic item each day until someone asks you about it! Those earrings you describe would be such a statement that no one would notice the khakis! Tomorrow try a belly dancer's jingly belt. Next day, those uncomfortable silk shoes followed by a peasant blouse with the khakis, and so on . . .
Wait. You're not really close to a mental health institution, are you? Good, then go for it!!
I think you should knit a eye patch. Maybe make it with sequence or eyelash yearn. You can tell I have spent alot of time with a knitter. I can;t knit a stich but I can speak the verbage.
It is seriously pukey cute that Pilot knows "sequence" or "eyelash" yarn. heeeee!!!
I'm *almost* envious!
Ragged I am in the same "boat" as you. Please send the fashion Gods to rescue me.
My kids look great each day. Maybe they should have Granimals for adults.
Yin is still wearing the eye patch with a Pirates of the Caribbean skull cap. Oh! to be Two!
I tried on a few pair of gouchos and they look not so great on my short frame, if I wore 3 inch heels not so bad.
Pilot could probably pick up needles and knit like he's done it for years, just from absorbing the knitting karma. Or maybe it's from inhaling the residual fibers. Anyhoo, the poor boy has been immersed.
Ragged, I am all about the international clothing stores. Lots of beautiful colors, embroidery, textures, stuff you won't ever see in the 'mainstream'. Of course, they are a bit difficult to find in the armpit of America. The two I know of are in Carbondale and Springfield. Not much help, huh?
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