Monday has come much too soon. I am simply not ready for the weekend to end. I am not ready, I tell you. Isn't that the sign of a good weekend?
Our weekend was full. Our weekend was fun.
I already provided the lowdown on Saturday's festivities, but the weekend didn't stop there. On Saturday night following a full day of food and fun, I talked my brother and nephew into coming to Chez Ragged for a little "War of the Worlds" viewing and a night's rest on our comfy guest bed. They were easily coerced when I promised they could sleep as late as they wanted, have as much cola as they could consume and that no one would ask they to cut their hair.
Satisfied that the world was indeed saved by pesky bacteria and viruses, we retired and slept the kinda sleep that results from a day in the sun, a belly full of potluck dishes and a late night of television watching.
Cynical and I rose early, put a pot of coffee on and enjoyed a few moments of silence before our guests arose. Not prepared in the food department for guests, Cynical put together some breakfast for us and we munched while watching Jaws 2 and Blood Surf. Yes, we wasted our morning away on two B movies featuring a shark and a large salt water reptile. Is there any better way to lose four hours of your life?
As we sat there I looked at my brother and nephew and realized that "down time" together is a luxury for us. They live seven hours away and often when we are together, we are juggling family obligations, rushing through holiday celebrations or simply passing as we move from one thing to the next. I was glad just to relax with my people.
After the two houseguests left, Cynical and I pondered how to spend our afternoon, what little bit hadn't been sucked up by B movies. Unable to come up with anything that required us to leave the house, I went to plan B.
I had been long avoiding my least favorite household chore, but the time had come. There was no denying it: our floors had to be mopped. After sweeping and vacuuming and moving of furniture, I maneuvered the mop over all of our floors until they glistened. I stood proud and victorious as I looked over the shiny kitchen floor. Done. . . for now.
And then it was on to those other pesky chores that keep cropping up. How is it that we repeatedly see that something needs to be done, a pesky 10-minute task, but we never take those few minutes to wrap it up. So that's what I did, I wrapped up several "to do" items that I could never seem to get to. From cleaning out my jewelry box to putting away all of my clean clothes to clearing out our laundry area to sucking up loads of cat hair from beneath the bed, it all got done.
With a sense of accomplishment, I finally plopped down in my big chair and realized that most of my day was gone and I hadn't even put on respectable clothing yet. I wasn't ashamed, mind you, just shocked that it was 3 p.m. and there I sat in my pajamas, with glistening floors, an organized jewelry box, folded clothes waiting to be worn and made beds to boot.
I even returned a call or two. . . it's amazing the difference a day makes.
Monday has come much too soon. I didn't want to say goodbye to my family. I didn't want to quit piddling around the house. I wanted to watch a few more B movies, eat a few more fresh blackberries and maybe even make another pot of coffee. I am not ready. I am not ready to let it go.
Blackberries from the bush in my parents' back yard. We picked from them throughout the day on Saturday, snacking as we wished.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Monday came much too soon
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Monday, July 10, 2006
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Sounds like you guys had a nice busy weekend. (The good kind of busy)
I'm so glad you had a glorous weekend! As you said, they type you never want to end.
Family R&R. You can't beat it.
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