Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Too tired to type

Ever been so tired that you could literally fall asleep while standing up eating a bowl of cereal in your kitchen? That's how worn out I am. The good news is that my very long week is half over. The bad news is that it's only half over.

I am hopeful that a relaxing weekend lies at the end of this overwhelming week.

Too scrambled to come up with a comprehensive post, so here are just a few thoughts rambling in my mind:

-Why can't I just say "no" to my loved ones? I meander around, avoid conflict and end up being talked into a number of things I have no interest in doing.

-I want to wear jeans every day. Is that too much to ask?

-Honey Smacks are awesome. I had kinda forgotten how great they were until Cynical got a box recently and now I am completely hooked.

-Enough with the heat. I know it's summer and all, but enough is enough.

-"The Closer" is truly the coolest. You have to watch this show.

-The mail this week sucks. Nothing good has hit my box in weeks. Not even a cool catalog. Nada. Nothing.

-Here's to two more days of work, and two days off.


Anonymous said...

There is something in the mail. You should have it this Friday or Saturday.

Your Secret Pal

Lynilu said...

Oh, yay for the previous comment!!

I feel for you on the tired thing. I can't claim anything like working, however. I think my problem is just the heat. uh.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Oh, Secret Pal, I am excited about what will be on my door step. I hope my whining didn't seem like I was hinting. I just love good mail and darnit, all I have seen lately are bills and flyers. Not even a good magazine or a cool catalog.

emily said...

With my Boy sick, he's up every couple hours at night. The 4th time I got up last night I literally couldn't see straight. It was crazy. Never happened before. Hope it doesn't again.

Yea for your suprise!

FarmWife said...

Hope your mail livens up a bit, and I totally know the feeling of falling asleep standing up. Someday I'll have to blog about the time I tried to rip the alarm clock out of the wall to try to make it stop crying...

Anonymous said...

Not at all. I just thought it was good timing that I had sent something before I read the post and I wanted to let you know that the mail will be better soon.

Your Secret Pal

Kissed Knitter said...

Your projects look great! You are so industrious. It is too hot to knit. I only have a cast off to do and I have put it off all week! I got other stuff I gotta do! I'm ready for the weekend too!

Looks as if your week will end . . . or weekend will begin with a nice surprise! :)