I am always up for good mail, so I signed up for a new swap: Knit Mitt Kitt Swap. As part of this little trade, I am completing the following questionaire.
What are your favorite colors?
I love browns, greens, blues. However, when it comes to my knitting, it's the color combinations that get me, so anything goes.
Are you a new mitt knitter?
I've been knitting for over a year now, and I have completed one set of mittens, but so love them and am secretly praying for cold weather so I can wear them.
How long have you been knitting mittens?
Since birth?
Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn?
All depends on the yarn. For mittens, probably multi-colored as to match many coats.
What fibers do you prefer in mitten yarn?
I am a wool fan when it comes to keeping my hands warm; but I think some soft alpaca ones would be amazing.
Where do you usually knit mittens?
I typically knit smaller projects such as mittens on long car trips or while travelling.
How do you usually carry/store small projects?
I have all manners of carrying small projects, from Zip-loc bags to a small tote. None of which work particularly well.
What are your favorite mitten patterns?
I love the Fetching pattern, but I have yet to cable. I have Ann Budd's book that has a great, simple pattern in it and I suspect I will use it to create many gift mitts.
What are your favorite mitten knitting techniques?
I am a Magic Loop fan for anything like this. I could be, however, persuaded to learn new techniques.
What new techniques would you like to try?
I am not a fan of seaming mittens or hats or that sort of thing. I have not tried the two circular method, but would like to attempt it.
What are your favorite needles for knitting mittens?
What are some of your favorite yarns?
Oh, I am a new knitter, so I am still trying to try them all to see what I like, so this changes daily.
What yarn do you totally covet?
Oh, all sorts of yarn. I am a fan of Debbie Bliss blends, but rarely purchase them for my knitting as I don't have a huge selection anywhere nearby. I do covet alpaca as well. But, once again, being new, I don't even know what to covet yet!
Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object?
No earthly idea. Sorry.
Favorite kind of needles (brand, materials, straights or circs, etc)?
Circular, Addi or bamboo.
If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be?
I'll have to ponder this. Tough question.
Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack?
Oh, I love it all. Chocolate, short bread and anything in between.
What’s your favorite animal?
With five of them in the house, maybe "cats" would be a good answer.
Would you prefer super warm mittens or something more like fingerless mitts?
In our climate, either will work. We go from 40 degree days to sub-zero temps.
If you were a color what color would you be?
What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature?
Fall leaves.
Do you have a wishlist?
Yep, but it's full of knitting books.
Anything else you’d like to share with the group today?
I am just anxious to try new yarns, new patterns and stretch my knitting muscle.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Knit Mitt Swap
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Monday, November 06, 2006
Filed neatly away: good mail
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