Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Have you ever

caught yourself hanging onto something you just can't let go of? You mull it over and over and over in your mind. . . unable to turn it loose, letting it sting you over and over and over again. No matter which way you turn it, you can't find a solution; you can't make it ok and you can't release your grip.


phinner said...

emily said...

You know I have. I'm sorry you are. It's not a fun place to be.

Rudy said...

What is it about us that makes us hang on so tight to even the unpleasant things. I have this same issue and I cant let it go. It is really nothing but when it flashes through my mind, I find myself nashing my teeth and cringing. Why is this? We dont hold on to scawlding hot pans but yet hang on to these memories.

madretz said...

I like Rudy's analogy because once we've been scalded by that pan, we learn and never do it again. So why can't we release our grip on those other things that scald our hearts?

FarmWife said...

I'm also with Rudy. I feel like there are days when I live in that state. I'm sorry you're here too.

Rudy said...

A wise man told me once, "It would be really sad if I spent my last day on earth in a bad mood." Attitude is the only thing we have control over and the first control we give away. If we could all just let go.

Caroline said...

Just like phinner said:

every single day

Kissed Knitter said...

Here! Here! On all counts.....the queen of 'hangin on!' to the scalding pot!

Nan said...

Those are the things that wake me up at 4 in the morning and keep me awake, tossing and turning.