Monday, May 28, 2007

Weekend mornings

Each weekday morning I wake well before dear Cynical. It takes me quite a bit longer to get ready for the work day than my boy. Lots of hair to wash, dry and tame. Lotions and potions to apply and little bits of this and that around the house to be done before my departure. The morning is full of chores and responsibilities. . . and a bit of a tight time table.

On the weekends, however, I have complete freedom in my mornings. Generally I still rise before my beloved. I pad gently down the stairs and begin my morning with a little lull in time, curling up in my favorite chair and just sitting. The sun pours through our window, making beautiful shadows of the outlines of the bushes outside. The cats usually follow me, finding new sleeping places around the room.

This morning, not long after I arose, Cynical landed on the couch. It seems he didn't rest well last night and now I can hear his steady breathing, meaning he's fallen back alseep, all curled up and content. I have tip-toed around to sweep our floors and do other chores. I can hear the dryer tumbling, something I find comfort in, the rhythm of it. Cooper, my steady companion these days, is sitting next to me, snoring and dreaming. It's overcast outside, sure to rain soon, but I know that my two tiny tomato plants need it.

It's peaceful here at Chez Ragged. And I am tempted to crawl back in bed and daydream, but I am certain that the rhythms of the house will draw me back to sleep and I am too ready to greet my day for that. We have much we need to do, but all of that can wait for a while, we want to enjoy our own versions of the morning.

This weekend has been all about relaxation at Chez Ragged. On Saturday we didn't even venture away from the house, choosing instead to stay inside, tackle long-neglected chores, watch movies, knit and move through the house lounging in one area and then another.

Yesterday was more productive, but still very slow paced and laid back. We cleaned out and washed our cars. (I cannot fathom how we manage to transfer that much cat hair from our house to our vehicles. It's an odd phenomenon.) I finished some socks for trade, perused ideas for my next project, folded clothes warm from the dryer.

And of course, we bid farewell to our dear little Freddy. We spent our evening missing him, talking about him and sometimes, as we walked out the front door, forgetting he really wasn't going to be greeting us. It breaks my heart to realize that void.

It's the last day of our three-day break. And come tomorrow morning we'll get up and go back into our workday routine, for now, I am not ready to let go of my weekend version.


Nan said...

I bet those laid-back cats of yours are great for blood pressure. I need to get one, but since I'm quite allergic, I'd be trading one ailment for another.

FarmWife said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Sweet Freddy. How sad.

your weekend does sound wonderfully relaxing...