Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Decisions. . . decisions

I know that most of you (all two of my readers and that's including Cynical and myself) aren't knitters, so this might bore you, but please, let me get this all out and on paper so I can make a decision. I am an indecisive girl, you know. It's tough sometimes for me to settle on what I need to do or what I want to do.

You see, I started knitting Rusted Root in a delightful frenzy. It was wonderful, everything was going my way. . . I had struggled with the color of Cotton Fleece, but had settled upon loving it once the project was underway. I was enthralled with the shaping of the sleeves. I even smiled as I counted my stitches periodically to realize that I did indeed have the same number on each sleeve.

And as I moved along, I caught myself grinning in delight. And then, late last night, I had a little snafoo and I decided to carefully pick back and start prior to the minor mistake. However, somehow, in the midst of the lace section, I wasn't so careful and now I am left with a hole. (The sad part is that I thought I had not put two stitches between my increases and upon further examination, I had done it exactly right. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. No reason to rip back afterall.) I pondered it a bit. Picked up a stitch and tried to repair it. It looked ok, but there was a hole where there should be no hole. I pondered it a bit more. Could I fix it? Should I just rip out and start again, afterall, I am only 25 rows in. Could I live with the mistake? Would anyone notice?

Thing is, I can't live with the mistake. So, my options are: 1) Rip it out and just start over again or 2) Attempt yet again to repair it, realizing that I might be able to camouflage it, but it would still not be quite right.

So, I drug poor Rusted Root with me to work today and plan at some point, during a small break, to pull her out and see what I think. I suspect the answer will be the same, but somehow I am hoping for a miracle.


Kissed Knitter said...

Could you possibly rip out a little more and then begin? That way you have ripped out the hole too and then you begin again.

FarmWife said...

My only advice is Call Needlefingers. I am a non-knitter but a pathalogical Patch-it-uper. I hate going back to look at my sewing projects because all I see are flaws. Oh well....such are crafts!

Hope said...

Can you duplicate stitch over it?

phinner said...

You go girl!!! Knit and re-knit until its perfect. That's process!!!

Susan said...

Dark, booming thunder cloud voice..

"Choose wisely young Skywalker"

Uhh, so...You know what you have to do & it sucks -Big Time. No one will ever notice it, but You will.
It'll bug the living crap outta ya.
** And just so I don't come off sounding like a total witch - We have all been there before. Every last stink'in one of us
You are never truely alone for long in the Old Frog Pond.
Good Luck ;)

Anonymous said...

As hard as it is, I say rip it back and fix it. Because it *will* bother you if you don't.
