Thursday, July 19, 2007

Random thoughts on a Friday

I haven't blogged much lately. I suspect that I haven't been able to muster the energy to put together a complete thought, much less put several thoughts into a post. I just haven't been myself lately and for some of you that may be a blessing, for others it may have been pure utter heck.

However, it seems I am coming back around again.

Having put a stressful work week behind me, the fact that I am no longer cursing the pharmaceutical industry, finally finding a little time to knit, putting a little perspective on things, knowing that for at least 9 minutes last night my floors were cleaned and maybe that Diet Dr. Pepper this morning have lulled me back to reality and closer to my real self.

That doesn't mean this won't still be random, 'cause I think that random is closer to my real self. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. That just might be me.

So, here goes:
-Aaaaah, Hope, aren't you the sweetest and you rock! Thanks for the nomination.

And to continue passing the kudos, I nominate:




Kissed Knitter


-I have acquired a little time off that I need to use, so I am going taking a bit of it this afternoon to clear my mind. I am hitting the road for a very, very short roadtrip; complete with peach tea, Patty Griffin and maybe my little car.

-Babies, babies everywhere. As you know, I am an aunt again and this morning I spoke to my niece about the prospect of a baby brother, all she could do was say his name over and over again, as if trying to make it real to herself. I told her she'd be a great big sister and that her baby brother was going to love her a lot. And that's true, but I should have told her, "It's going to be a bumpy ride, kiddo, but it is so worth it." I still remember going to the hospital to see her father when he was all shiny and new. . . I remember looking through the windows, standing on my tiptoes and thinking, "He's mine. . . all mine." And he always has been.

I learned yesterday that two of my friends, one I have conversed with via e-mail for over 5 years and another from my college days are expecting babies. So very wonderful to hear their news and I listened carefully to see if it triggered my biological clock. . . it didn't. But I had the strangest dreams. . .

-I'm reading a good book. It's been a while since I have been able to stop knitting and read, neglecting one obsession for another. "The Myth of You and Me" is getting some attention from me. . . and I am anxious to dig more deeply into it.

-I just watched a news clip about a lady with an 84-square-foot home. And it intrigued me. She has only 300 belongings ranging from her toothbrush to her car. The home is smaller than the average parking spot, but had a functional kitchen, a loft bedroom, very "open" bathroom, but no shower. It appealed to me until I learned that last part. I need a shower. I like to be clean on a regular and convenient basis.

I have a confession: I have a LOT of stuff. And sometimes I dream of chucking it all for a mere 300 items (not including my knitting paraphernalia) and it sounds wonderful. My catch is that I am having trouble making those first few steps; particularly parting with my books.

-I have another confession. I like the new show "Burn Notice". I can't help it. I love all of that MacGuyver stuff. And I am too excited that a third "Bourne" installment is coming out. So excited that I think I may rewatch the first two just to prep myself.

-I can eat strawberries again. And I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I even had them for breakfast this morning. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Fruit of the gods, I tell you.

Our weekend ahead will be busy and includes babysitting for a friend recovering from surgery, an overnight trip to visit Cynical's folks and maybe that Bourne marathon I mentioned. See you soon.


FarmWife said...

Congratulations on the new nephew! My kids still aren't real sure they're getting to keep Bitsy.

Congrats on the award nomination! Very cool!

And I'm with you on the need for a shower. I cannot imagine living in 84 square feet...that would be like living in my closet. Interesting, but I think the excitement would stale quickly.

susan d said...

I saw an article on tiny houses, there is a society for people who live like that. Some cook together with others in a little community.

I'm with you on the Bourne Ultimatum. I LOVE the movies and that guy.

phinner said...

sounds like a groovy weekend, grilfiend! I wanna read that book! (but HP is in the mail!!!) and what is this "rockin' girl blogger" thingy???

Nan said...

My sister is going to be very impressed that you think I'm a "rockin' girl blogger"! I'm afraid those days are long gone. I'm more like a rocking (and I mean that literally) woman blogger!

I saw the little house too! I keep thinking how neat it would be for elderly people (like my mom and dad)to have little houses in a little neighborhood with other elderly people so they could enjoy other people's company and keep their independence as much as possible. Of course the loft is out of the question... as is a shared bedroom.

madretz said...

Hurray for strawberries again! I have a container in my fridge and I'll eat some for breakfast to 'toast' you!

I'm often compelled to get rid of all my stuff. Jimmy has this saying that he picked up along the way somewhere about how the stuff owns you instead of the other way around. Too much stuff! I have a collectors mentality and it gets in the way of secret desire to be a minimalist. LOL.

Thanks for the nomination!!