Sunday, January 20, 2008

Baby. . . it's cold outside, so I knitted some warm stuff

It's coooold outside, but it's nice and cozy in here. Having a wonderful time being entertained by our guests, managed to squeeze in some knitting and some shots of my finished projects in the great morning light. Thanks Pilot for the hat shot. Details at right.

A weekend summary to follow soon, might include mention of food, food and more food; knitting, Trivial Pursuit, coffee, Target, yarn deliveries, class assignments. . . . So glad it's a long weekend.


FarmWife said...

I hope you're having a fab weekend with your company! I LOVE the bag. too cute!

Art the Omnipotent said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bag.

emily said...

super cute stuff! i'm digging bag and socks especially. oh heck, i like hats too.

Knitting Bandit said...

Love the hat!