Sunday, November 23, 2008

Corners of our home

A while back there was a trend in blogging to post corners of your home. I participated and it was kinda neat to get a peek into other's homes. It satisfied that nosy part of all of us and it also provided some inspiration.

It occurred to me recently that the corners of my home then and the corners now are completely different. So, as I was snapping photographs of a few knitted items in my studio, I shot the photograph above of our second guest room/retreat. It it is situated at one end of my studio space behind two French doors. Jenny from the Blog christened it recently when she was our guest last summer. I had originally envisioned workspace there, but then it seemed natural to make it another bedroom, much in the sentiment of my grandmother who put a bed everywhere in her attempt to welcome as many guests as possible.

The bed was Cynical's grandmother's and until now we hadn't had a place for it. The rocker in the back corner is a recent purchase from an estate sale down the street. The bench at the end of the bed was hauled from an art fair in Indiana. The quilt was an online order many, many years ago. The cabinet atop the table in the back was made out of an old window by a local artisan. A few treasures are sitting inside. Atop it sits six Ovaltine jars with painted lids, my dad's version of canisters that he made for me to use in my first apartment. The shelving unit sits atop the table that sat in my parents' kitchen when I was a kid. It was once bright yellow.

The space up there is unlike the rest of our house. It's a tad lighter. It's filled with lots and lots of personal items, clutter as Cynical might call it. And it tends to be where small pieces of furniture go to live.

It's a very, very personal space, and very peaceful. If only it were warmer up there, I'd retreat secretly each day.


phinner said...

I'm arriving on... and staying until ...

: .)

gorgeous, just gorgeous!

phinner said...

I love the clean simplicity. Martha would be jealous!

Brena said...

Beautiful guest room! It looks so clean and cozy. I love looking into other people's homes.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Clean, simple, personal. And I, of course, LOVE the quilt. I dream of making one like that one day.

madretz said...

You know that little space in that room that you went to on vacation this summer, wherever that was? I think near Laura Ingalls Wilder's home, maybe in Missouri? And you loved it so much? And it brought you so much serenity and happiness in that space? I think you've created that space in your own home! Hurray and lucky you!