Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Now you see it. . . now you don't

It went from this. . .

to this. . .

in a matter of minutes.

I had no idea how freeing it would be to just abandon this project. I think it's an adorable pattern and it's well written. It was, however, not flattering for my body type and had become a bit of an albatross, interfering with my knitting mojo. I spent so much time contemplating how to make this work that it took away from projects that I could have enjoyed. The yarn (Mission Falls Wool) was very pilly. I am not sure I want to recycle this into a large project, maybe several small ones.


Celestial said...

Oh I'm sorry. Well, if knitting offers us anything it's the ability to alter things to our own body shape. But when a project is just making you drag I imagine that frogging it can be wonderfully freeing.

madretz said...

OMG. My first thought was:


But I admit that I know exactly what you mean. I've had to abandon several projects because it just wasn't working and it felt GOOD to let it go.

Onto better things, can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve.