Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back to the real world

When the wind storm hit Sunday, the plans I had for the week went down the drain and my focus shifted. My job requires that. So, a week of my life blown away in 75 mph gusts. Today was my first day not in the office or on site.

You'd think that we'd use the day to relax, but we didn't. You see, all of the things I had planned to do last week, still had to be done. We are hosting a house warming party this weekend, and are expecting about 40 people, so we got some stuff to do! Yard work, mum planting, house cleaning, silverware wrapping, napkin folding, drink shopping, table decoration planning and the list goes on.

We don't really have a theme for this shindig, just trying to do something specific to our tastes and welcoming to our guests. Scattering tables in our backyard, covering them with vintage cloths. Pumpkins, pine cones and candles will decorate each one.

Serving bbq unique to our little town. Even putting some of our favorite people up for a few nights. Planning to hang little white lights all over the yard (provided we come up with a plan on how to do so.) Giving away party favors: handknitted dishcloths tied with a bow.

Hoping the weather will be marvelous. Hoping to take lots of photographs. Hoping all of our guests can make it. Hoping a good time will be had by all.

Here's to a hectic week a work, lots of loose ends to be tied up for the party and only working during daylight hours.


phinner said...

I didn't get an invitation to the house warming party...

: .)

Brando said...

Hey I am planning to bring a veggie tray. I just wanted to let you know. If there is something else that would work better let me know.

Can't wait to see ya!

Kissed Knitter said...

Hey! Don't work too hard to make it so PERFECT. It just won't happen and nobody will notice if it's not. :)

Celestial said...

Christmas lights...

If you have a fence, trees, or anything vertical running string around as a base for something to clip the lights on is really handy. Plus you get to see the pattern before you go through the hassle of actually putting the lights up.

If you don't have something vertical I'd go for garden steaks, wooden dowels (long ones) or thin metal pipes you could anchor to something else.

Really easy way to attach the lights to string (without wrapping) is using paperclips. Super cheap for a large quantity, and a loop at each end.

You know you'll have to post pics!

madretz said...

OMG, that's so very very cool. I will be there in spirit. It sounds like you have planned it to perfection. Love the idea of tables covered in vintage and the awesome party favors. Fall is an amazing time to have a house warming party. When you photog, don't forget to snap pics of the tasty grub. What a busy bee you will be. But so very exciting, too. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Good thing I don't live nearby...I'd crash the party. Pumpkins, pinecones and candles? Ooh! And whilte lights in the yard? Sounds gorgeous. Please take pics so I can pretend I was there.