Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Amidst all of the talk of trading being down in the stock market and the throwing around of all sorts of financial terms that mean nothing to me, I had a little idea.

Let's do some trading of our own. Not stocks. Not commodities. Not even speculations. Let's trade something handmade or homemade as it may be.

I'm offering up mixed CDs and handmade dishcloths in exchange for whatever little goodies you'd like to make. I might even crank out some Tribbles if you please. Some "Handknitted by" tags, some mixed CDs or whatever your creative soul produces.

Anyone up for a little trading?

In other news:

I feel another Alanis hit coming on. . . see here.


zann said...

I'm up for trading! I can offer hand drawn stickers, a silly t-shirt design with iron-ons, or a flannel hat. shall we exchange an email or two about this trade. I'm at zannhu at hotmail dot com

Celestial said...

I'd be up for something too.

Would need to brainstorm a little.


Brando said...

Hey I think I have some homemade Chistmas cards I can trade.

Of course some just say HO HO... instead of HO HO HO. Might be careful who you send those to. :)

Anonymous said...

I could be up for a trade :)

madretz said...

brilliant idea girlfriend! I'm totally down with a trade. Any special requests?