Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cache Slash Fever

We didn't get to go to the annual Cache Slash Fest last year. I pouted for a month. So, when this year's event rolled around, we threw our bags and GPS device in the car and hit the road. Once again hosted by Needlefingers and Pilot, we are forever grateful for their hospitality. Getting to visit with Rudy, Brando and the kiddos is priceless. Again, I love those kids.

This year's Cache Slash Fest was themed around "Survivor". Long-time reality show fans, this was right up our alley. After finding eight appropriately named and contained caches, we all met back up for some games that certainly were in keeping with the theme. I tend to go all Monica (think "Friends") when it comes to competition with people I barely know. Team Red managed to make it to the finals and I made it to the final two. Didn't win in the end, but what mattered is that I kicked Cynical's arse.

Wonderful food, a warming campfire, great company and getting to meet some new cachers capped off the evening. Caching brings us to places and shows us sites and sights we might never come across. The incredible weather, beautiful autumn light and creative caching made for a relaxing and perfect fall day.

The event was so well done, so relaxing (it wasn't timed and I loved that); seriously I cannot think of a better way to celebrate fellowship, caching, Halloween and autumn.

Special thanks to our hosts again; thanks for the warm, wonderful soup, filling breakfasts, soft bed, warm kitties and helping me wrap up the seaming on that cardigan. Come see us soon.

We are particularly grateful for the afternoon at Cynical's aunt and uncle's house. What a wonderful way to wrap up the weekend.

Just a few shots:
-A beautiful, beautiful autumn day in Illinois. The long expanse of flat ground allows you to get an incredible view of the sky.

-An ostrich. Yep, we came across a whole bunch (flock?) of them. I managed to woo this one into letting me photograph him/her.

-A shot of sundown. Beautiful sherbert-colored skies.


phinner said...

phin as the ostrich...

"what cho talkin' 'bout ragged?!"

FarmWife said...

I love the ostrich pic. They frighten me a bit. You are very brave!

Next time you head north, we'll all have to meet up for coffee or Dairy Dee...I'm newly in love with Dairy Dee.

Anonymous said...

Yor post made me think, "I haven't been letterboxing in months!" The last time I went it was sooooo miserably hot (about 95 degrees and seriously humid)that I swore I wouldn't go till it cooled off. Maybe this weekend.

I can guarantee it won't be as gorgeous a locale as your outing though :)

madretz said...

it's been so long since i've gone geocaching. I miss it. I love the same things about it, bringing me to places I'd never have even thought to venture to. Great photos!

Rudy said...

Come back soon. We will try to get down there and visit.