Sunday, October 12, 2008

He loves me

I was gone most of the day yesterday, out romping around the countryside yarn shopping and goofing off with Kissed Knitter. While I was out having fun, my beloved Cynical tackled a little project just for me, just to make my life easier. When we moved in here, we made a few compromises in search of our own little American dream. We traded location for a smaller kitchen and basement storage for limited clothes closet space. Cynical very generously gave me the largest of the bedroom closets. The only catch is that I have to use a step stool to reach the bar. And there was a huge amount of space below, just waiting for a second tier. So, while I was visiting Enchanted Fibers and Crafty Hands, he made a trip to the hardware store, actually he made several, and when I came home I found his own version of a housewarming gift. . . space to hang my pants, which had been stored in the entry closet. He does love me.
In othe news, there has been knitting, quite a bit actually, but it tends to be slow going as I have been whittling away on larger projects. I've been using some incredible Briar Rose Wistful yarn to make a drop-stitch wrap. Great project, loving it. Wistful provides great yardage. Problem is it's taking me forever to knit all that yarn up.
I've also been making progress on the Tree Jacket. Might not seem like it, but the purling slowed me down a bit. I hope to truck on through the bottom part and start the arms soon. Tried it on last night and was pleased. Decided to take the garter stitch a bit further than the pattern called for to assure ample chest coverage.


Celestial said...

Tree Jacket looks really cute.

And you have a lot of pants girl!
Ironically I have a large amount of skirts - which is funny because I'm always in jeans.

madretz said...

Lucky you! I need more closet space, too.