Saturday, October 04, 2008


I'm tired. I mean really tired. I think that 80-hour week I worked post-storm, the party preparation week, the party itself, getting up and leaving in the dark to facilitate a 5K run this morning and a few sleepless nights in between caught up with me.

And by "caught up with me", I mean I took a three-hour nap today. I may never recover.

Poor Cynical is busy preparing dinner and I can't even form a cohesive thought. I am therefore staying away from hot pans and sharp objects until I am certified awake.

The food serving table at the party, waiting for food.

1 comment:

phinner said...

shake off the sandman girl, walk to starbuxs and get yourself a salt carmel hot chocolate!!! : .)

ok, tomorrow am. don't forget to take your journal!