Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Taking a breath

Whew! At this pace I am not sure I'll even be awake when Christmas finally gets here. It's been a crazy, crazy vacation thus far. Leaks, rampant last-minute Christmas shopping with Dad and my beloved, visits with friends and family, hosting, scrambling here, and scurrying there.

However, today I have cleared my calendar. I don't have to be anywhere until 2:45 and that's a trip to perpetuate my hair's chemical reliance. At first I thought I'd run errands, drive to the yarn shoppe etc. However, I am finding myself a bit lazy and I think a day knitting, watching movies and staying warm is in order. Don't you agree.

A tiny, retro tree from the bargain bins at Target. I had to buy it.

1 comment:

Celestial said...

Hot chocolate, Holiday Inn, knitting, blankets, kitties...sounds perfect to me!