I woke up this morning and it was still dark. That's not unusual as I do get up a little early these days in an effort to be on time. (Goal rarely accomplished.)
This morning was a little darker, however, as it followed a noisy and colorful storm, leaving us with a rainy morning. I wanted nothing more than to turn off the alarm, snuggle back in the covers and stay just a little while longer. Duty called, so I began my morning routine.
Some mornings I so wish I could just stay at home, piddle in the yard and read. I guess what I am saying is that I am ready to be retired. I know, I know. I have many years ahead of me, but I am ready for a couple days off. I am not necessarily talking about a vacation. I wanna permanent break.
I love my job. I love my co-workers. I just don't want my day to be scheduled. I want to wear jeans every day. I wanna sit and eat my breakfast leisurely without threat of an impending two-hour meeting. I don't want to have to make nice with those around me as I try to get through a project without injury.
I don't want to have to put make-up on or press my clothes. I want to invite Queen of Cool over to sit on the deck (we don't have one, but since I am dreaming) and drink margaritas in the early afternoon and talk about our men. I want to run errands in the middle of the day.
Maybe I'd actually get good at gardening and grow amazing tomatoes and even compost. Maybe my flowers would bloom because I gave them much-needed attention.
I want to subscribe to lots of magazines and take my time reading them. I may even join a women's club and eat little salads and wear sandals with pantyhose. I dunno, the point is that I'd get to do what I wanted to do.
Wait a minute, I gotta quit dreaming, answer the phone, schedule a meeting, check my make-up and press my khakis.
In the photo above is Izzie, my cat. She's the only female pet in our household, but don't be thinking she can't hold her own. Take a good look at that face, she means business. Back in the "good old days" Izzie and I were to bachelorettes living the life and staying up late. These days we just clean up after the boys, hide our hair bands and fight for our half of the bed.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Rain, rain *don't* go away
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Friday, August 26, 2005
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27 toes. That's cool. You gotta take a photo and show us.
Who has time to daydream. UGH. I guess if I have time to blog, I have time to daydream, right?
Izzie is my girl, we are outnumbered, so we have to stick together.
Since starting this whole blog deal, I daydream way to much and have forsaken ironing. All I want is some time to myself. To do what I want. Maybe that's what everyone wants. Maybe not. I think I'm daydreaming too much. I can't seem to sort out my thoughts. I'm all cloudy.
You know, it's funny. All I do is daydream and think of blog material. Maybe it's some sort of a blog-induced state? I am sure there is a name for it.
Hey, I just found you looking up other vegetarian bloggers. I'm just up north in Ohio and yeah, we definitely need the rain. Izzie looks adorable! Have a good one.
That's it, blognosis. Is there a cure or do we wanna be cured?
Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer, I haven't blogged much about being vegetarian, but read a lot of sites about it. And Izzie thanks you for the compliment.
As Al Borland used to say, "I don't think so Tim."
No cure needed. I'm sure the blog world is saving me from cerain death. I exaggerate. Saving me from the doldrums of daily life and/or responsibility.
It gets deep when you quote Al Borland! ;)
I have to agree. It's my saving grace right now.
on myspace, you can post pictures, and blog. you can find people you used to know and reconnect. or you can just talk to the people you already know. you can add people to your friends list, and they can write you notes or make comments about the photos you posted. some people use it as a dating type thing, but you can choose to say that you aren't looking for that. i just use it to talk to far away friends. a couple girls i knew in college have found me, so it's fun. it's a whole new level of internet addiction. and it's free.
Oooooh, another Internet addiction. Just what I need! It sounds very, very cool, so maybe I need to check it out.
oh, do! can i add you to my friend list if you join? it's so fun to add a new friend. i have 4. my bestest friend joy i went to college with. another girl from college who lived with one of my good friends. she's nice, so she gets to be my friend. my long lost cousin, kristin. and my ex-boyfriends little sister megan. some people add friends all willy nilly, but not me. i'm of a more discriminating way.
Okie, dokie. I will join. How do I end up listed as one of your friends? This is new to me. Consider yourself the guru and me your own grasshopper. (Was that reference before your time?)
I don't have a photo either. Cynical is convinced I will be stalked if I post one. Has he taken a good look at me lately?
isn't it from a kung fu movie or tv show from the 70s? not sure.
just go to myspace.com and click the sign up button. you don't have to give any personal info, and you don't have to put a photo if you don't want. when you do it, tell me your username and i'll send you an invite to be my friend.
do you think this post will collapse if we keep adding to it?
Hmmm, we can certainly try to collapse it.
OK, I am all signed up, it's under Ragged (first name); Aroundtheedges (last name). I'm not very creative!
I apparently already have a "friend", but I don't know this guy, but I feel popular.
i'm not seeing it. i know sometimes i can be found by e-mail address. or just by the username you used. Are you just called Ragged?
I think so. Does it only list you by first name?
OK, Emily, you are now officially my "friend", now you can be invited to all my birthday parties.
I think I got them all cleaned up. I really think it's just a fluke. However, I DO NOT like someone telling me I need to check our their site about zits. Good grief.
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