I am reposting this entry because, sadly (tears rolling down cheeks), I didn't hear a thing from any of you. I value your input, I really do, so give it up:
I am in a mood for new. New music, new reading, new something.
So, I thought I would ask you, dear reader, what you would suggest in:
-New music: Check out the profile for a few (a few!) of my music preferences and let me know if you have some suggestions for something that might fall in line with those. I am always game for a new artist and am easily swayed, so what do you think I should be listening to?
-New authors/books: My reading list is pretty random, but I think the best way to find a new author or book is to ask other readers. They know what's good and what you want to avoid. Do tell what you think I should be reading. . .
-New to see: Winter is approaching and that means no yard work! (Not that I really contribute that much to the appearance to our yard, but I do sweep the porch and walk. Does that count?) Whatever will I do with my time? How about watching television or renting DVDs! What did you watch recently that made you laugh, made you cry, made you want to encourage others to see?
-New to do: I am considering knitting, but I just dunno. Remember the rules on this one: I have to be able to finish it and I have to feel good about the end product. What hobby should be sucking my time up these days?
Give me some good stuff. Don't make me consult the Magic 8 Ball.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Input, advice and assistance (Come On Folks!)
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Saturday, October 01, 2005
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New Books - Have you read "The Cat Who . . . " books by Lilian Jackson Braun? The last few haven't been that great, but read the early ones, starting with The Cat Who Could Read Backwards". And my friend Jennifer read "Devil in the White City" a novel based on a true story of a serial killer during the Chicago World's Fair.
New Music - Keith Urban and Mary Chapin Carpenter
New Movies - Ummm, it's been a dry spell here lately. However, the movie version of "Clue" is one of my classic favorites.
New Hobby - Well yeah knitting! And it's not like the tube is a hatch on a secluded island with "quarantine" written on it. ;)
Ooooh, all good stuff. I have oodles of Mary Chapin Carpenter stuff as I was really into female singer/songwriters in my early 20s, so I still keep up with her. Good call on that one. I know she has some new stuff, maybe I need to freshen up my collection.
I haven't read any of the cat mystery books as I just have never gotten into mysteries. However, I know so many people who are getting into that genre lately, so I may have to give it (and peace)a chance.
BIG Sarah fan and have been waffling on the new cd, so it's good to have a "tried and true" review of it. I may have to pick t up. (I am also gonna get the greatest hits bit out by Natalie Merchant, not new music to me, but something new for the collection.)
Nicole, I have David Gray's White Ladder and am glad you mentioned it. I need to dig it out and start listening to it again. Gotta love dusting off a favorite. Good deal. I have heard the new Mike Doughty song that's out and kinda like it, so think it's worth looking into his new CD? Alanis is always a good bet. Gotta love those lyrics.
Actually I can be a girlie reader at times (no offense taken), but trust me I have ventured into some dark stuff too, guess I have just looked for something a little lighter lately. I feel a big dark spell in reading coming up though and the author you mentioned sounds very enthralling. I have read a lot of Garrison Keillor and love his stuff. I might have to dust that off too.
Trust me, I am into some strange shows on tv, so don't feel badly. I have caught myself watching "Intervention" as of late. I watched Survivor forever. I just got a little burned out over the past few seasons.
What do you think of "Threshold" and how does it compare to "Invasion"?
By the way, I am so into "Lost" that I threaten family and friends that if they call me I will shoot them the next time I catch them in my sight.
Also, anyone watching "My Name Is Earl"? I kinda like the premise.
Ok, it's taken me forever, but I've come up with some good stuff..
Music: Damien Rice "O" (beautiful singer/songwriter along lines of david gray or john mayer)
Fiona Apple - She is to me the next obvious step from Alanis. There is a new album coming out any day now...I haven't heard it yet, but the other 2 are phenomenal.
Authors/Books - In no particular order:
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
The Color of Water by James McBride
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks (sweet sticky sappy romantic)
Fight Club by Chuck Palhinuik
(already mentioned but worth
To See:
DVDs: Closer, The Upside Of Anger, Spanglish
TV: Alias. Boston Legal. (Danny Crane.)
To Do: I've got nothing here, sorry.
You guys have greeeeeeaaat suggestions.
I have Damien Rice's "O" and love it. I might have to dust that off too. It's such a haunting album.
It's been a while since I listened to Fiona, but I was in love with her first album, so I gotta check out the new one. When does it come out?
Emily, you mentioned a few classics and I am toying with the idea of focusing my winter reading on classics. A bit to bite off, but I think it would be well worth the heavy reading, don't you think?
I so want to watch "Alias", but I haven't watched the prior seasons and whenever I sit down to watch it I am a bit lost. Maybe I need to read the Alias primer or something.
So loved "The Upside of Anger". I cried during "Spanglish". What good movies.
Nicole, I love "Airline", don't you just want to smack some of those people with your carry-on! It's well done.
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