Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Can you overdose on Toostie Roll pops?

I love cherry flavored Toostie Roll pops. Notice that I didn't say "like". I said "love" and I mean LOVE cherry flavored Tootsie Roll pops.

Problem is that you can't buy these wrapped delights in a singular fashion. You have to buy a big bag of them. That presents yet another dilemma: what do you do with the nasty raspberry, chocolate and orange ones?

Halloween to the rescue! I bought not one. . . not two. . . but three bags of pops, dug out all of the cherry ones and left the "others" for our trick-or-treaters. Is that selfish not to share such a pleasure with small children?

Never mind that, I tossed them all into my work bag and brought them to work. Nothing can touch me today. I have a well-stocked supply of cherry Tootsie Roll pops. Come, on, just try to ruffle my feathers.


Anonymous said...

i love the raspberry and chocolatey ones ;)

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I should have saved them for you!

Jennifer said...

That is brilliantly resourceful!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Why thank ya, thank ya verra much.

(My best Elvis impersonation.)

Nan said...

I sympathize. I love the chocolate myself. I love to melt it down in my mouth till there's just a slight crust left over the tootsie roll then CRUNCH! Something very satisfying about that.