The following is true, but sad. Conversation heard while at Chez Ragged last night:
Ragged: You know, I just think I realized what "Little Red Corvette" is really about.
Cynical: It's OK, I just now realized that "Will & Grace" has a double meaning.
Ragged: We are seriously stupid.
The booga (boogie) bag is knitted and ready to be felted. Wish me luck. Needlefingers suggested that I use something for perspective in the before and after shots. How appropriate to use a Diet Coke. I did take several with a ruler, so get off my back!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Things that make you go "Hmmmmm."
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Thursday, November 17, 2005
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Sadly, I still remember the exact moment I realized that the Target symbol is actually a Target.
Driving along one day I saw the sign from the street and said, "The circles on the Target sign kinda look like a bullseye." Pause for a couple seconds "OH IT'S A TARGET!"
I was in college. So sad.
I once read "whodunits" phonetically and then all of a sudden I had an epiphany and realized it was "who done its" referring to mystery novels. It didn't help that I admitted this to my family who torture me with it now.
Once again, my education has failed me.
Ahh...the memories...
The Stop and Shop complete with red and green circles that are....a traffic light...was what tricked me.
That and life in general...see here for proof.
Although...I am afraid to admit I never even contemplated that little red corvette meant anything other than a brightly colored race car.
Can't wait to see how your bag turns out. Those colors are great!
Oh, Girl, it means so much more, listen more carefully, but use your gutter mind and you will quickly see that Prince had more in mind than shiny red cars.
I am anxious to see how it comes out too. Needlefingers already has another bag project cooking for us.
I love the colors of yarn on the boogie bag, but I have a question. What IS a boogie bag. I know this seriously labels me as older than dirt but I can't help myself. I have to ask.
The boogie bag looks great. You did a fantastic job and I am anxious to see what the colors do in the felting. Can't wait to see your finished pic.
I was going to felt last night, but ran out of time. My goal is to get it done tonight. Oh, there will be photos! Lots of them.
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