Friday, November 18, 2005

What does this do to an ego?


emily said...

I think most of them think it's silly. Probably flattering, buti silly. And it's good publicity.

He IS way sexy.

Caroline said...

Did you hear that Jennifer Aniston was voted GQ's sexiest man of the year?

Nan said...

Matthew McConaughey travels around the country in an AirStream Trailer. That gives him my vote. . . if not for sexy, at least for best motorhome!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Yep, he is sexy, but this has to do a number on your ego. It has to.

I didn't know that Jennifer was GQ's sexiest man. Interesting. Talk about gender-busting.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Oh, I didn't know that about the Airstream. I gotta marry this man.

Jennifer said...

And he's even hotter when he talks. The drawl gets me every time.

musicgeek said...

Ooooh, he's pretty...

DarkWood said...

To be perfectly honest, one of the things that really bothers me about our society is this seeming all consuming need for ego gratification. Maybe I've just been doing the mystic thing for way too long, but I just don't get it. :-)

Anonymous said...

Matthew McConaughey is so over for me! I used to think he was sexy, but as you point out, his ego seems to have gotten so big I don't know how he fits through the front door. Who's HIS publicist?

I am MUCH more interested in that little picture in the corner of Jake Gylenhaal! Mmm..Donnie Darko!

Anonymous said...

Can't we just all go back to George Clooney? He just made a brilliant move on McCarthy. Brains just make him hotter.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Amen to everything you guys have said. Yep, he's a hottie, but I am kinda disturbed in general that we feel the need to bestow such an honor. However, didn't mind this photo at all. ; )