Blog5 challenge for today: You're a mad scientist who's invented a time machine in order to change history. You're going to bring one invention back in time which will alter the course of civilization, but it's not a weapon.
Where and when are you going, and what did you bring? When you come back, how's civilization different?
I would bring back a lie detector, not one that has to be attached to the person but one that simply listens to their voice and let the listener know if the speaker is fibbing or not.
Everyone would carry one, they'd fit nicely into a pouch similar to an Ipod case. Very classy and very chic. (Imagine the economic implications. Maybe they'd even be part of your cell phone-Ipod-television-handheld computer. I dunno.)
I think the ramifications are obvious, we'd all have to tell the truth. We'd all be forced to be honest. Imagine the world if we were all honest all the time. No hidden agendas. No hidden motives. No lies.
Maybe that would cause a whole other set of problems, but I'd like to think that honest words would equal an honest life, solving several problems.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Blog5: Mad Scientist
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Friday, November 18, 2005
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Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. I looked at the assignment before I left this morning and thought about it off and on, finally deciding I would bring back. . .a lie detector. I was checking on my friend's blogs before I started posting and was so surprised when I got here and you thought the same thing. (This kind of thing always gives me those "Twilight Zone shivers.) I'm just going to put "ditto to Ragged's" on my post!
Cate! Wow, great minds think alike. (And I am not lying.)
You might find it interesting to know that there is a belief floating around that we, humanity as a whole, are on the verge of a major energetic shift which could result in effectively making us fourth dimensional beings. An aspect of this shift is thought to be manifestation of perfect ESP among all such that verbal communication will no longer be necessary as we will all be completely open books mentally to each other. In a nutshell, exactly what you're suggesting vis-a-vis the complete honesty thing and SO much more, to boot. Certainly an interesting concept to ponder, dontcha think?
I don't know why, but I felt compelled to go all Twilight Zone with my response to today's assignment, hahaha. :-)
Hee hee...I like it.
Good for you for getting this done on a Friday...much better than I could manage.
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