Just a few random post-holiday thoughts:
-It snowed. It really snowed on Christmas, but it didn't stick, just made for a wet mess, but it did snow.
-Strangest gift received: Chronicles of Narnia Chapstick in green apple and vanilla flavors. (Strange because who would have thought of such a strange marketing scheme and I am nt sure why my mother bought into it. Cool because it brought back thoughts of candy cane-shaped tubes of Bonne Belle in bubble gum and cherry flavors tucked in my stocking and how excited I got whenever I smeared them on.)
-Most awesome gifts received:
Complete collection of Boxcar children books (I read them as a child and can't wait to pour through them again.)
Solar light set for the yard (Something we so wanted and have talked about, but never thought of asking for. The best kinda gift!)
Complete first season of "Lost" on DVD (Nicole, I know you are jealous!)
Lots of Target cards (MP3 player or no MP3 player? HELP me decide.)
A fleece LL Bean pullover (Can you say yummy and soft?)
"Stitch N Bitch Nation" book (You know you want some alligator mittens.)
Mary Engelbreit stationery and blank book
Complete "Chronicles of Narnia" (Good thing since I gotta start planning for our reading group.)
Handmade wall sconce
Handmade wired to hang bud vase
Fiestaware place setting in Peacock
A bottle of wine (New Year's Eve here we come!)
Knitting charm (of course)
New sweater (I never get clothes any more, what a treat that it fit!)
Hand-embroidered pillow cases and yarn (Made and sent by a dear, dear friend.)
Stuffed cat (Was that for me or for Sammy, because he has claimed it as his own.)
"Hotel Rwanda" (One of the few wise movie rental choices we made and now I have a copy all my own.)
-Best gift given: a stuffed toy possum to my parents' dog. Yes, we gave the dog a toy. . . laugh at me all you want, but trust me, never in my life have I seen a present more loved, more enjoyed and more appreciated (by him and my dad). The proof is in the photo above. Usually he wears a bowtie on special occasions, it was still early when this photo was taken, so he wasn't quite as dapper as he usually is.
-Somebody stop us the next time we go to rent movies. We obviously lose our minds upon entering the movie rental store. I don't know if it is the sheer overwhelming nature of the place: seeing all of those movies stretching out before us. Maybe my brother is right and television has made us stupid. Need proof that we can't be trusted at Blockbuster? We came home with "The Exorcism of Emily Rose", "Four Brothers" and for an artistic twist, "The Heights". Is that proof enough? We do have one redeeming selection: the first six episodes of the first season of "Arrested Development". Maybe the trip wasn't a complete loss.
-Want proof that we are nerds? We have been invited to play Boggle with friends and their kids later in the week. That means we may have to shower before 2 p.m. and I feel certain they won't want us to wear our pajamas.
-Did you know that three cats can balance on their owner while she sleeps?
-If there is chocolate in the house, I feel the need to eat it immediately. It could go bad, be eaten by my housemates or just disappear and I can't risk that.
-Is it wimpy of me to be creeped out by "The Exorcism of Emily Rose"? 'Cause I really am.
-Can I keep the Christmas tree up until February? I so love the shadows it casts in our living room.
Unon, Laura Linney is getting creeped out too. I'd better go, this might get good.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Strange but true Christmas thoughts
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Monday, December 26, 2005
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That picture is too much. I love how intense little Boston Terriers (right?) can seem. The creepy pale tail on the possum (I will *never* spell it with an 'o'!)is verra realistic. Excellent gift!
You got one fantastic Christmas haul! I'm voting MP3 player, btw. I have an old iPod which does me well, but I really want the new 60 gig monster (but am too cheap to actually buy it).
Right now, Dexter is enjoying his Christmas "hot dog" as I write. Squeak, squeak, SQUEAK! Let us know how Emily Rose is, I might add it to my Netflix Queue.
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