Monday, February 13, 2006

Movin' on up: Starbucks comes to town


needlefingers said...

First Olive Garden, now Starbucks. This has been quite the boom for O'town. ;)

phinner said...

Inconceivable for a Cali-Gurl!

There are 5 Starbucks btwn my house and MadRetz's, and we live 5 miles apart.

There are 50 stores within a 5 mile radius of my house.

I used to boycott corporations b/c I wanted to support local businesses. I still purchase from small businesses, but now I support Starbucks too! : .|

Ragged Around the Edges said...

WOW! I would be on a continual caffeine buzz if I were anywhere near 5 of these babies.

I hear ya about supporting small businesses, unfortunately, we have count them two coffee shops including Starbucks and the local guy isn't open on Sundays. I also think it's so cool that they will give ya the coffee grounds for your garden. I am a sucker for recycling.