Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sunny Sunday

I didn't leave the house today. I was never even tempted. I blame it on the cold, on bad television and an overwhelming urge to hibernate.

There was a time when my weekends were completely booked with social engagements. I never had a down moment. I was a busy, busy girl. I wasn't a party girl, so don't start asking for stories about drunken outings or crazy nights. You'd only be bored to tears. I was just young and social and busy.

Now I relish in the days that allow me to putter around the house finishing up home improvement projects, organizing my sock drawer, letting television absorb my day. I am rejuvenated by completing menial tasks. I like knowing that now my sock drawer is a work of art. I am proud that I finished the Umbilical Cord hat. I am pleased to have had quality quiet time with my beloved. Maybe my priorites are different. Maybe I have achieved my goal of simplicity in my life.

I have always been self-entertained and never afraid to spend time alone. I consider that a gift. Oh, don't get me wrong: I am always game for an outing or a social engagement. It's just that if you aren't content in your own company, how can anyone else be. I have, however, been known to argue with myself. That's OK, I always get over it and don't hold too many grudges against myself.

I received the bowl above as a Christmas gift and I so love the colors and the texture. It may have been cold outside today, but we had the most amazing beautiful light coming in, so I finally was able to shoot a photo of it. For photos of the baby hat and my first knitted dishcloth, visit the Finished Projects page.

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