It seems that the theory that a cluttered house leads to a cluttered mind is true, particularly at Chez Ragged. I know I have complained. . . errr mentioned. . . . repeatedly that our house is in a bit of a shambles right now. I know that's part of the process, but it's been a little difficult to get much of anything done when you are crawling over a couch to wash your dishes or skirting a desk to go to the restroom. (A little overstated, but you get the picture.)
I can be very scattered at times and it's amazing how this is affecting me, making me even more, shall we say, random in my actions. It gets even more complicated when I look at the calendar and consider the next few days of my life. Between moving furniture, visiting relatives, social engagements and a house in need of cleaning, well there just isn't much room for error.
So, instead of trying to put together a post, I thought I would, well spill some of my random thoughts on you guys. I apologize in advance.
-This is perhaps the cutest baby photo I have ever seen. Soulemama posted the photo on her amazing blog.
-I finished my first Candy Corn sock and I love it. I even managed to turn the heel without incident. The Kitchner at the toe is pretty, save a little snafoo toward the end that I hope to fix this evening. I may forgo working on a second as I am in the midst of a top secret blogger craft exchange. Shhhhh!
-Yesterday in an effort to escape chaos, commune with nature and have some quality time with my beloved, we loaded ourselves up and went to the park for a walk. It had just rained and everything was fresh and damp. I love the colors after the rain, the light is diffused in a way that makes the greens so very vibrant. We had a nice walk, but it was cut short by impending rain, and as soon as we got in the car, the sprinkling began. It was the perfect way to wrap up a day.
-I have bemoaned our current household chaos, but it was nice yesterday to be exiled to one room where I knitted, watched a marathon of "The Closer" and relaxed with my beloved a bit. I don't get such luxuries often. And I love being in my pajamas for the better part of a day.
-I think we should eat more meals at our kitchen table. It's not that I don't love balancing a plate on my lap, but it's seems more personal and focused to sit at the table together. I am going to propose this to my Cynical.
-We have officially made some plans to head north for the 4th of July weekend. In addition, we are going to take Monday off and stretch our weekend into Tuesday. Yipppeeee! If I could do a cart wheel I would, but I can't risk serious injury. I have furniture to move.
-This weekend is Father's Day and I am gifting my dad a t-shirt featuring a Gremlin* and a blues artists compilation CD. My dad will appreciate both, but I hope he knows the shirt is a bit of a joke. *A car. Yes, a car. My parents bought a golf course green Gremlin new in 1974 and still have it, so this is a poke at that rather ludicrous decision.
-And, tell me that the above glider isn't the coolest and wouldn't be the perfect place, outside of a hammock to pass away my afternoons? Click on it for details. God love Restoration Hardware.
How's that for random?
Monday, June 12, 2006
If your house is cluttered, so is your mind
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Monday, June 12, 2006
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I love the glider. I was looking at the catalog the other day thinking how cool they are.
I had to go get some cucumbers and tomatoes after seeing your photo the other day. Thanks!
Can't wait to see ya July 4th. Bring your sunglasses and an umbrella for the fireworks. Hee Hee.
I agree with the umbrella. Pilot sat us CLOSE to the fireworks last year!
Glider - Get it!!! Its a great color.
I drove (and drag raced) in another life, a 1963 1/2 Ford
Galaxie, which I named Morticia. I loved that car. It was enormous and loud. ( I would drive in enclosed parking lots to set off car alarms ; .) A gremlin is cool!!!
Your summer's bounty photos almost made me want to shop for vegetables, but I think I ate enough a few months ago. Maybe I'll go get some strawberries at the farmer's market this weekend.
I love "retro" furniture. The glider is way cool.
I'm so behind on reading blogs and commenting. You've left some great pictures here and I've loved reading about your floors (beautiful!) and your adventures in home-redoing.
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