Monday, October 02, 2006

All I want for Christmas. . .

You know, we are all guilty of taking life's little pleasures and conveniences for granted.

We flip the switch and there is light.

We push the button and the television comes on.

You tell your beloved that we love him and he responds with, "I love you too."

You turn on your computer and that annoying Microsoft music plays.

You order a medium Diet Coke and a burger with ketchup only, and you get just that and the correct change back.

At 9 p.m. each Thursday you will get your Grey's Anatomy fix.

During Grey's Anatomy your mother will call not once, but twice.

These are things we've come to expect. For instance. . .

You push the handle on the back of the commode and away goes the dirty water in a spiral to places unknown. . . well, not if you live at Chez Ragged. All I want for Christmas is plumbing that works.


Anonymous said...


Think Extraordinary said...
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Brando said...

Man a broken crapper really stinks!

Ragged Around the Edges said...


emily said...

I think that's a fair item for the Wish List.

phinner said...

btw - speaking of toilets, I found out that baking soda and elbow grease solved my problem. maybe it'll solve yours!!! haha!

ps - diggin' on your avatar. have you been working out?
: .) you know I would so encourage you!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are asking for too much. Hope things get fixed real soon because I can only imagine how frustrated you are.

Rudy said...

two words... Copper Sulfate overnight. I gues thats three. It kills the roots in the pipes and is safe for city sewers and septic tanks.