Sunday, December 09, 2007

Rain, rain go away. . .

I can hear the rain pitter-pattering against our windows. It amazes me that it is still raining, that the sky hasn't run out of water and the wind still has the gumption to blow. I think it has rained nonstop since Friday and we are starting to mold.

We're back from our relaxing and great weekend. A summary: warm, tasty soup, Guitar Hero, stories of bananas in ditches, Shaun of the Dead, yarn shopping, sock knitting, coffee, staying up late, rain, rain and more rain.

So glad to have had a chance to visit our favorite folks, play with some kiddos and catch our breath before a busy few weeks ahead. Muchos gracias to our hosts and to everyone for the good company and the Christmas goodies.


madretz said...

I wanna play Guitar Hero!!!

Brena said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend!!!!! I love rain.

Art the Omnipotent said...

Guitar Hero and Shaun of the Dead, had to be a good time!!!