Saturday, March 08, 2008

Winter knitting

Six to eight inches of snow fall presented a perfect opportunity to photograph some of my most recently knitted projects. Details, of course, are here.

Snow began falling around time for me to leave for work Friday morning, and there was a bit of a lull in the morning, but in the afternoon and through last night I don't think it let up. We got up early and ventured around a bit.

Cynical, after some photo opportunities, headed back into the warm house. I, on the other hand, took the opportunity to take a long walk alone, in the peacefulness and beauty, not to mention the wind and cold. It's absolutely gorgeous! I shoveled the walk and a path to the garage before coming back in; glad to shed my wet, cold clothes and my too warm down jacket. Still thawing a bit, getting ready to venture out for a work project. Mmmm, I know it's March and I know it's spring, but the snow was a wonderful unexpected surprise.


Ramblin73 said...

Looks like you guys got abit of the white stuff. Enjoy. Needles went up to the Town knit together. I am home alone:(

Brena said...

Your pictures look amazing!

phinner said...

Lovely, lovely pieces...I wish I could knit like you!!! : .)

Snow, I heard about that too! Walking in the silent snow. How cool is that?

I'm jealous, altho' its a bright, beautiful day here : .)

Ashley said...

Gorgeous photos! I love those mittens, and I have enjoyed looking at your blog so much! I hope that you don't mind if I add you to my google blog reader :)
Thanks for entering our contest! I hope you win!

Geraldine said...

Your blog is terrif! I stumbled in here via a google search re: blocking Lopi yarn, go figure eh.

BTW, you cat is almost a duplicate of our beloved Mr. Cheddar. Do stop in for photo proof if you can.

Nan said...

Wow! I am blown away by how far you have come! That bag is wonderful...I can think of so many ways you'll be able to use it, and I am smitten with the mittens!

The snow here was beautiful,
but is almost all gone now. I am so looking forward to spring.