Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday. . . really?

Really? It's Thursday? Seriously? Where did the week go?

I have nothing to share because I am busy wondering what happened to the last four days. I seem to recall going to work. I seem to remember coming home. The in-between is a blur.

I can tell you that we are expecting special guests this weekend, Needlefingers and Pilot. I will confess that Pilot hit the nail on the head when he accused us of cleaning in preparation for their visit. I will admit that we scrambled to the grocery so we'd have enough food to feed our guests. I will also come clean about my knitting: there's been very little of that this week.

Another walk photograph.


phinner said...

so there are mansions as well as colorful autumn leaves in your new neighborhood. wow. gorgeous chromaticity. I hope you had a starbucks in hand...a pumpkin latte or something like that.

Celestial said...

oh, I wish MN still had it's leaves

madretz said...

Such luscious warm colors of fall!

Have a great weekend!