Saturday, January 21, 2006

I get by with a little help from my friends

First and foremost, I want to thank each of you for your caring words and support upon my the passing of my grandmother. It always amazes me how many wonderful people I have in my life. I am reminded of this continually, but particularly at times like this.

We are now in this wierd space where we feel like we should be doing something, but aren't sure quite what that is. My grandmother, in her ever-caring way, pre-planned her funeral, hoping to spare us from the all of the details of these sorts of things. However, that has left us wringing our hands wondering which way to turn.

Visitation and her memorial service are Monday and Tuesday so between now and then we are gathering our thoughts, preparing for travel and thinking of her continually. I plan to meet up with the rest of my family on Monday and that seems like ages away. I am anxious to be surrounded by my brothers and cousins. I am in need of sharing old stories and memories with those that love her as much as I do.

Cynical, in an effort to distract me in the meantime, suggested that we make a little trip to a nearby town for lunch and some shopping. He is in need of workish attire and I needed a new pair of black shoes that would be comfortable enough to sustain my tired feet during the next few days. Cynical is now the best-dressed boy around and I think I have found a winner when it comes to shoes.

Cynical also humored me by letting me stop by the yarn shop for some supplies. As I perused yarns, I realized that my grandmother would be proud of me: she was a crafty lady and an expert seamstress. She'd love to look at yarn with me and plan projects. I'd knit her a bright purple scarf and a booga bag of her own and she'd brag to her Sunday school class.

I miss my grandmother.

1 comment:

Nan said...

After this is over I hope you'll write down your memories of her in a memory book. During these days you'll probably share stories of her with your family and while they're fresh you should write them down to.

My grandfather was one of my favorite people in the world. I've begun to write down things about him, and find things to put in a memory book. I think he'd really have liked the idea.

They can't be with us forever, but their memories and influences are.